Rest in the Lord!

So is anyone else exhausted, or is it just me? Have you ever felt stretched thin, over committed, weary, tired, or exhausted? Do you have a million things going on in your life and can't seem to find time for yourself and God, much less your marriage?

I AM THERE! I feel like I run myself ragged trying to do the things I deem "necessary" to be the best I can be as an Assistant Principal, a mother, a wife, a friend, a Christian. I work so hard at trying to be what I think everyone expects of me...and I fail every time. I get so busy that I lose sight of what God has really laid on my heart...people, marriages, families in trouble. God has laid a heavy burden on my heart to DO SOMETHING to help others in their marriages and families. I don't have a degree, but I have a love for people and what God wants for their lives. Recently I received an email (which was sooo NOT a coincidence in my opinion) to earn a Life Coach certification to help people in the areas that God has called me. I got so excited and THEN satan and his lies kick in and I start to doubt  God's providence and provision. Questions running through my mind: "When will I fit that in?" "I don't even have time to spend with my husband." "How can I help other couples when I can't even find time for my own marriage?" "I have soccer practice and games, life groups, youth group, grocery shopping, church, work, dinner, dishes, lunches, clothes to be washed, house to be cleaned and so on and so on." You ALL know the drill, we have so much going on in our lives these days that the things of God get pushed back and life takes over. I KNOW I"M NOT ALONE!

So what do we do? How do we overcome the anxiety of being the perfect mother, wife, employee, friend, etc.? How do we get back to what God wants for us and our marriage? WE REST IN THE LORD!

Psalms 62:5 says..."Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him."
Psalms 62:1 says..."I am at rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him."
Matthew 11:28 says..."Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
1 Kings 5:4 says..."The Lord my God has now given me rest all around; there is not enemy or crisis."
Psalms 29:11 says..."The Lord gives His people strength; the Lord blesses His people with peace."

You get the picture...The Lord is the ONLY source of peace, rest, and hope. When life makes everything blurry and you can't seem to find time for the things of eternity...REST IN THE LORD!
Stop, read His word, hear His voice, listen to His direction...feel His arms of peace and rest wrap around you and calm your soul. When my boys worry about things here on Earth, or are upset about things that happen here, I tell them..."When you get to Heaven, the Lord is not going to ask you about that (were you the best soccer player, did you get an award for Tech fair, etc.)...He's going to ask you how you lived your life for Him." I need to take my own advice! Like we tell children all the time, when you point your finger at someone, there are 3 more pointing back at you!

Here are a few tips to help you slow down and spend time on the things that really matter, God, your marriage, and your family.

  • Spend time with the Lord DAILY! Slow down and listen to what He wants to say to you. Ask Him before each reading to open your eyes and help you apply it to your life. "Lord show me what you want me to learn from this."
  • Check in with your Spouse every morning and evening with things like "Have a great day." "Is there anything you need me to do or get before I come home?" 
  • Check out every evening with things like "How was your day?" "Can I do anything to help you get ready for tomorrow?" "Tell me about your day."
  • Discuss schedules, needs, wants, concerns each day/week.
  • Make at least a two hour time frame for just you and your spouse to spend time together every week. NO KIDS! Walk on the beach, walk around the neighborhood, have dinner, watch a movie, etc. DATE NIGHT/DAY
  • Look at the calendar every Sunday and make a plan for the week for family time and date time. 
